A Mostra Geração é o segmento infanto-juvenil do Festival do Rio, o maior evento audiovisual da América Latina.

Esse ano estamos celebrando 15 anos.

São vários Programas:

O Internacional, inclui longas vindos de várias partes do planeta/do mundo com temáticas focadas nas crianças e nos jovens.

O Vídeo Fórum apresenta e debate os trabalhos produzidos por eles mesmos. É o momento de ver na tela grande a sua própria produção.

Além disso, a Mostra Geração oferece encontros especiais para educadores e diversas atividades.

Fique de olho: o Festival do Rio 2014 acontecerá entre 24 de setembro e 08 de outubro.

sexta-feira, 16 de julho de 2010

A pedidos, o regulamento e a ficha de inscrição em inglês.

Por mais um ano, o Programa Vídeo Fórum exibirá em sua programação uma seleção de filmes produzidos no mundo todo, de forma independente ou dentro da sala de aula. Em 2009 exibimos 8 filmes realizados em 5 países estrangeiros. Em 2007, por comparação, foram exibidos 2 filmes argentinos, da Primeira Escuela de cine Infantil y Juvenil Taller de cine "El Mate". Em 2009, Controvérsia, realização de 4' da mesma instituição hermana, foi exibida no Programa Vídeo Fórum.
É pelo aumento da quantidade de filmes estrangeiros e instituições reconhecidas que publicamos, abaixo, a tradução em inglês do regulamento e a ficha de inscrição presentes no link oficial. AQUI!



1. Films must be entirely produced by children and adolescents.

2. Participants must NOT be enrolled in University, should have less than 18 years old, and should be enrolled in school or involved in an educational project.

3. Only film production as from 2009, and whose crew, at the time of the production comply item 2 of the regulation.

4. The films must have a maximum duration of 13 minutes, including credits.

5. The films can be produced in any format, however, for selection purposes a Mini DV copy must be sent. If your project does not work with this media, we also accept DVDs.

6. All selected films will be screened in Mini DV.

7. Each film-maker or group producer may enter a maximum of five (5) films. For each work a separate registration form must be filled out.

8. The registration of the films can be made by:

a) the producing institutions (schools or educational projects), with the registration form signed by their legal representatives.

b) the directors, in case of independent films. Minors should submit a school declaration and in addition, the signature of legal guardian on the registration form.

c) There should be a declaration of school or educational project enrollment (collective or individual) for each work entered.

9. Films that have already participated in previous editions, even those not selected, will not be accepted.

10. Each producer group should be responsible for the presence of the young filmmaker on the day of the exhibition of their film.

11. Participation in the Video Forum Program 2010 involves the acceptance of the following conditions:

a) The Rio Int'l Film Festival is not responsible for issues concerning copyright and rights of use of voice, image, sound track in the content of the films submitted.

b) Participants automatically grant the right for Mostra Geração / Festival of Rio to broadcast all or part of the material sent to the press releases of Mostra Geração.

c) Participants automatically allow for the reproduction of all or part of their film to be part of the collection edition of the 2010 Video Forum Program.

d) The omitted cases shall be decided by the curation of the Mostra Geração.

e) The Curators of Mostra Geração are highly skilled professionals, recognized, nationally and internationally for their work over 30 years in the Film and Education and Audiovisual market.

The deadline for registration of foreign films is 06 August 2010.

We accept inscriptions received until the deadline 06 August 2010, as long as they include all items listed below:

1) Registration form printed and signed by the legal representative, as per item 8 of this regulation.

2) The declaration of enrollment or affiliation to an educational project and signed by the head of school or educational project, with the names and ages of all the team at the time of the film production included.

3) A copy of the finished film entered preferably in Mini DV or DVD.


. Make sure you completed the registration form correctly. Remember that it must be printed and signed. (fill out the form online, click "SEND", print the registration form and click "Confirm").

. Make sure the film copy you are sending has a maximum of 13min of duration. Including final credits, and that audio and video are in accordance with the original.

. The statement of school enrollment must be in a school letterhead paper. And it should mention full names of all participants in the team involved with their ages at the time of shooting. And it should be signed.

Send to:


Programa Vídeo Fórum

A/C: Felicia Krumholz

Rua Teresa Guimarães, 70 – Botafogo

Rio de Janeiro – RJ

CEP: 22280-050


Deadline for entry of foreign films: 06/August

Result of selection: 27/August


1. Título Original: Original Title

País: Country

Ano: Year

Duração: Duration

Categoria/ Category: Ficção/ Fiction, Documentário/ Documentary, Animação/ Animation, Experimental, Institucional/ Institutional

Sinopse do fime: Synopsis of the film

Descrição detalhada do processo de realização do filme: Process of making the movie

3. CONTATOS: Contacts

Instituição Produtora: Producing institutions

Contato: Contact (Name of representative)

Telefone: Phone


Endereço: Address

Cidade: City

CEP: Zip code

Currículo/Histórico da Produtora: Historical of the producing institutions

3.3 Contato do Diretor: Contact of the director

Nome e idade: Name and Age

Telefone: Phone


Endereço: Address

Cidade: City

CEP: Zip code

4. CRÉDITOS: Credits

Equipe (nome, idade e funções): Crew (name, age and roles)

5. OBSERVAÇÕES: Comments


Li e concordo com o regulamento:

Yes, I have read and agree with the regulation.


Enviar: SEND

Limpar: CLEAN

E para completar a mega postagem, mais embaixo o curta argentino Controvérsia. Inscrições abertas para o Programa Vídeo Fórum, aqui!

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